Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hi everyone!  I just created this blog to keep you updated on the kids: Caitlyn (soon to be 9), Autumn (6), and Kira (3).  Hope you enjoy reading about their adventures!!!

Today, my little Easter bunnies (Autumn & Kira) were hopping around the living room before breakfast!  They love wearing their bunny ears. Yes, even to the bus stop.

Which reminds me, Caitlyn doesn't want us to come to the bus stop anymore. :(  I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.  Do you think it has anything to do with the bunny ears?  3rd graders are WAY too cool for that, you know.

What else is new?  Oh yeah, we just bought our very first house about 2 months ago.

I guess you could say that we are finally settled in now because the Hello Kitty gumball machine is up and running!

Other updates:

Autumn finally got her ears pierced!  (It was supposed to be a birthday present, but on her birthday last November, she had an ear infection. Plus there was so much stuff going on with buying a house, that we only just now got around to it. Better late than never, right?)

She also lost her front tooth on the very same day she got her ears pierced! (Feb 26)

Caitlyn made a pair of lazy pants at her last sewing class (Feb 27).  Seriously, the girl has some talent!  She is definitely making good use of the sewing machine. (Thanks, Aunt Dandy!)

A few weekends ago, the kids had a lot of fun flying kites with Daddy in the big backyard (aka common area -- that we don't have to mow...hahaha...I love townhouses).

And the girls wanted to have a spa day last weekend.  Yes, complete with cucumber slices for their!


I have to say, even I enjoyed the sugar foot scrub.  Did wonders for my old feet.

This week, the weather has been gorgeous!  In the high 70s and we are getting spring fever.  I had to get out the summer clothes last night so they could wear shorts and t-shirts to school today!

We are thinking about starting an herb garden and are really enjoying watching the birds at the feeders on our deck every day.  It really is so beautiful here in our new neighborhood.  You would never know we are in the middle of a major commercial center.  The mall is 5 minutes away.

Maybe this weekend Ryan will fire up the grill for the first time!

That's all for now...thanks for reading. :)

Love you all!

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