Sunday, July 24, 2016

Super Sunday!

All I'm writing about is dinner, and dinner is amazing. It started with the amazing first course of basil, garlic, and Parmesan cheese bread. (Long name, right!) You'll have to try it! I mean seriously! As you probably see in the picture below, it is amazing.
Why if I didn't know any better I'd eat the i-pad! And my almost favorite part of the meal. The grapes!
Juicy grapes...
I don't have to say anything... And The End.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Finally Friday!

Texas Toast...
Mini Scones!
Mini scones for breakfast with a side of eggs. Or is it the other way around? We also have bacon! Yum!
And my full plate...below.
My full plate.
Oh and I almost forgot, and you can probably see, it all depends on naan.
Thank you naan!
What happened to my full plate?
I'm stuffed... but in a good way!
For lunch, we had toaster waffles. The buttermilk-blueberry ones. Delicious! I had 3!
My first one... {My second was the same as the first!}
My third one. And for dinner...
Chicken... And the Texas toast is up top! 🤓  There is also oranges, and corn.
The Orange
And the Corn! And we had cake! Again!
Yum twice in a row! The End.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Yum! Thursday! 🤓

For breakfast we had blueberry pancakes that were delicious! The maple syrup and powered sugar add a nice finishing touch, that I think is delightful. My plate looks great! Right? 
Now that is Delicious! For lunch we had cereal. Me and Kira had cereal. Autumn had a really toasted English muffin, with peanut butter on top.
My regular lunch. For dinner we had ham, ciabatta bread, and tater tots. The ham was especially good! 🤓 
Yum! Ham! 🤓 And the desert for the day, is... wait for it, wait for it, Grandma's apple cake! Absolutely delicious!
Non-frosted cakes...
Frosted cakes! And my piece.
My delicious slice of cake!
My piece again!
Almost literally licked clean! The End.

Wacky Wednesday

This Wednesday started of with a very good breakfast of sour cream pancakes, bacon, and strawberries. Yum! 
Breakfast was good!  
We woke up at sometime around 7:00 with Autumn waking up at 6:30 just to annoy us!(not really!🤓) We did tons of reading after breakfast. Don't worry, one a day! I found out that the books I like are a series and there are at least two more books I can read! For example, there are, Home for the Holidays, Wish You Were Eyre, and the new one, Mother-Daughter Book Camp. I'm so excited to read them! For lunch today I had a great english muffin with butter and jam. I was so hungry I ate another with butter.
My first lunch...
My second lunch. At precisely 2:39, it started raining. So much for bird watching! 🤓 Because of that, well, the pool is probably out of the question, right? 🤓 My word of the day is climax. The climax of the day was when we exercised and ran around the couch at least 3 times. 🤓 No, we ran around at least 30 times! See if you can spot the bird in the pic.
Now you see him, now you don't! And this is a bird silhouette. Interesting, right?
A bird masterpiece!
And another!
And yet another! We put out some seeds for the birds, pigeons especially! 🤓 See?
Pigeons especially!
For dinner we Grandpa's amazingly delicious pork chops! They were sooo good! We also had bread and butter, mashed potatoes, and peas, for those who like it! 🤓 Over all, the dinner was... Delicious!! ;)
Delicious! 🤓 And a pretty good desert to top it all of, is a ... Swiss Roll! Not exactly your fudge or homade cake,🤓, but suitable for a day like today! See us, (me), enjoying the Swiss Rolls below!
Swiss Rolls...
Me! 🤓
Sweet Kira 🤓  

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.

Breakfast here was delicious! Grandpa made eggs again, only this time using some fresh basil from our garden! The eggs were super yum. Who knew our garden would produce such good eggs! And this was my plate after breakfast.
Wait, where'd they go?
                                           Some morning this pesky bird!
Hello little birdie...
Up next, we have the...wait for it, wait for it, the LIBRARY!!!📚📖 I can't wait! Well, maybe I can...
The Leaning Tower of Books...
The trip to the library was fun! But then, it always is.🤓 For lunch we had peanut butter, and banana, and honey sandwiches.(Me and A) Kira had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Our sandwiches were very good. (See the picture!)
                                                The playground was fun! I hope you can tell by these pictures.🤓
I'm going to slide!
Is Magic okay?
I'm so high!
Here I go! For dinner we had chicken, macaroni and cheese, and rolls! The best part was the chicken and macaroni together!
My delicious plate!
Some of the chicken... And the perfect ending to this perfect day would be this last rose on this side of our yard.
The perfect ending
The End. Caitlyn, Autumn, and Kira.❤️✍🏽

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dinner and... Desert!

Baked Chicken for Dinner
Grandma’s baked chicken was great! Just so you know, we’re having lots of fun with the tent-see the picture!-thanks to daddy we won’t be too bored-even though we wouldn’t be with all these fun things. Say thanks to daddy for me! Don’t forget!;)  
Tent's amaze!
For desert-not really-a trip to the newly open library is essential! For our library party, though, there were cookies-provided my our kind Miss Autumn-so that makes the library officially sweet! See the library after it’s all arranged in the pic. below.
Just opened the library!
                  Later, and good night-in Exton-xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo-that’s six for each-Caitlyn, Autumn, and Kira❤️