Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.

Breakfast here was delicious! Grandpa made eggs again, only this time using some fresh basil from our garden! The eggs were super yum. Who knew our garden would produce such good eggs! And this was my plate after breakfast.
Wait, where'd they go?
                                           Some morning visitors...like this pesky bird!
Hello little birdie...
Up next, we have the...wait for it, wait for it, the LIBRARY!!!📚📖 I can't wait! Well, maybe I can...
The Leaning Tower of Books...
The trip to the library was fun! But then, it always is.🤓 For lunch we had peanut butter, and banana, and honey sandwiches.(Me and A) Kira had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Our sandwiches were very good. (See the picture!)
                                                The playground was fun! I hope you can tell by these pictures.🤓
I'm going to slide!
Is Magic okay?
I'm so high!
Here I go! For dinner we had chicken, macaroni and cheese, and rolls! The best part was the chicken and macaroni together!
My delicious plate!
Some of the chicken... And the perfect ending to this perfect day would be this last rose on this side of our yard.
The perfect ending
The End. Caitlyn, Autumn, and Kira.❤️✍🏽

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